Jan 25 Update: Customization Features & Chess Formats on… | LeagueSpot

Release Notes - January 25, 2023

January 25, 2023

Hi everyone,

In our first release notes of the year, we are covering various updates that enable hosts to take more advantage of our platform.

Whether it’s perfecting your stage to run as your rulesets define them, or more customizations for point distribution so your rankings update with no intervention, we are excited to share more ways your events can begin to run themselves!

As always, visit our Discord Server to drop any platform requests and feedback!

  1. Expanded settings for standing points to include loss by play and loss by forfeit
  2. Configured Chess 4v4 format (team chess)
  3. Enhanced point based scoring
  4. Enabled hosts to create organizations for leagues
  5. Implemented a dismissible ‘Join Discord’ notifier for leagues using Discord
  6. Added ‘checkbox’ as custom registration field for all league hosts

1. Expanded settings for standing points to include loss by play and loss by forfeit

Last year, we first introduced advanced settings for points breakdowns on the LeagueSpot platform, allowing hosts to customize awarded points across byes, game ties and wins, and match ties and wins.

In this update, we’ve added two more customizable fields: points awarded for loss by play, and loss by forfeit. This allows hosts to reward teams who still participate in their match against teams who did not even show or play their assigned match.

Hosts and season operators may adjust standing points when creating or editing a stage underneath a season.

2. Configured Chess 4v4 format (team chess)

We love unlocking additional ways to host more custom gaming formats using LeagueSpot. In this release, we’ve configured Chess 4v4 (also known as team chess), where concurrent matches are played per game, and each team’s points are accumulated to determine the overall match winner.

  • How does Chess 4v4 work?
    • Each team must have a complete roster of four players.

    • Across each round, each player will compete against a different player from the opposing team, often in a consistent format.
      • Four 1v1 matches are played concurrently per game

    • Points are reported after each round, with the first team to X points taking the match win.

Hosts can unlock Chess 4v4 by first adding it as an approved game title by visiting their League Settings. When using the Chess 4v4 format, players are able to utilize LeagueSpot's Chess.com challenge links and submit decimals as reported match scores.

3. Enhanced point based scoring

We’ve also enhanced our points based scoring to directly support many formats such as Chess 4v4, allowing teams to report match progress and accurately see the final match results upon completion.

With this update, a team’s overall match score will be the total of points acquired from games played, rather than using a custom point value for wins/ties. This supports any format where individual game points are relevant to the win conditions.

How It Works

  • When creating a stage, hosts are able to designate how matches will be scored for applicable formats.

  • Selecting ‘single game winner’ to award the match win as a best-of series

  • Selecting ‘points based score of # games’ awards the match win with the cumulative total of all games played

4. Enabled hosts to create organizations for leagues

We want our association leagues to operate as simply as possible, and that includes allowing hosts to create organizations themselves. Hosts previously needed to send an invitation link to the corresponding manager(s) before an organization could be created.

With this update, hosts can create organizations prior to inviting its managers!

How It Works

  • Hosts can visit the League Settings, located underneath the hamburger (≡) menu on their league home.

  • Next, select the dropdown menu and select ‘Create Organization URL’

  • Select the URL

  • Complete the form and select submit.

Additional Updates

  • Implemented a dismissible ‘Join Discord’ notifier for leagues using Discord

To support your community management, we’ve implemented a one-time, dismissible reminder for league members who have yet to link their Discord account! This reminder is viewable upon login only within leagues who have connected a Discord Server.

  • Added ‘checkbox’ as custom registration field for all league hosts

For growing communities, comprehensive registration is critical in capturing important information about their new members. We’ve added checkboxes to the lineup of customizable registration fields for league hosts.

  • Minor fixes to improve general performance

Connect with LeagueSpot

That is it for this week! Your experience is important to us. Join our LeagueSpot Discord server, connect with the team, and leave a message behind in our Features Forum with what you’d like to see unlocked next!

Previous Release: December 28, 2022

Written by Sam Anton
Published on January 25, 2023