Release Notes – March 8, 2021 | LeagueSpot

Release Notes – March 8, 2021

Portrait of Brandon Barnett
March 8, 2021

Hi all! Today, we’re bringing a few updates and fixes brought to us by some of our hosts and clients, helping clean up much of the user flow and restrictions around running leagues. Please reach out with any feedback and questions, and let us know what else you’d like to see improved!

New Features
  • Improved roster export for league hosts
    • For league hosts, the data export functionality is imperative for auditing rosters and enforcing rules. In this release, we’ve expanded the roster export functionality to include discord and in-game handles across all games that are being played in the league.
  • Removed restrictions around players being placed on teams for the same game within an organization
    • Previously, users could not be added to multiple teams for the same game within LeagueSpot – this was done to prevent players ever being matched against themselves.
    • Given that our users have found some use-cases that it’d be beneficial for users to be put on multiple teams for the same game (such as a weekend tournament for a game while an overarching season is taking place), we are removing this restriction.
Issues Fixed
  • Fixed an issue where users who clicked the “register” button on their invite emails, after having previously registered, were taken to a screen telling them they had an invalid token. Users will now be forwarded onto the login page, or onto their organization page if they’re already logged on.
  • UI improvements to the registration page.
Portrait of Brandon Barnett
Written by Brandon Barnett
Published on March 8, 2021